Usual Midterm Indicators Very Unfavorable for Democrats Jeffrey M. Jones & Lydia Saad, Gallup With less than five months to go before voters elect all members of the House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate, the current Democratic congressional majority is facing an extremely unfavorable election environment.
President Biden's Approval Rating Undercuts Trump On Inflation Woes Jed Graham, Investor’s Business Daily President Joe Biden's approval rating sank to its lowest level yet as record gas prices sharpened inflation's bite for household finances, the June IBD/TIPP Poll finds. Young Voters, Who Helped Biden to Victory, Are a Big Weak Spot in the Democratic Coalition Eli Yokley, Morning Consult America’s youngest voters accounted for the biggest turnout increase of any age group between the past two presidential elections, helping deliver full control of Washington to President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats. But with just under five months until the midterm elect…