Younger generations are not confident that Social Security or Medicare will be there for them AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research Just 6% of adults favor reducing the size of Social Security benefits while 79% oppose. Raising the age of Social Security eligibility by three years to 70 is also unpopular, as is raising the age of Medicare eligibility by two years to 67 and increasing the cost of premiums paid by those enrolled in Medicare. A majority of the public supports increasing taxes on households earning more than $400,000 to pay for Medicare.
Most oppose Social Security, Medicare cuts: AP-NORC poll Amanda Seitz & Hannah Fingerhut, Associated Press Most U.S. adults are opposed to proposals that would cut into Medicare or Social Security benefits, and a majority support raising taxes on the nation’s highest earners to keep Medicare running as is. CNN Poll: One-third of Americans say Biden deserves to be reelected in 2024 Jennifer Agiesta, CNN Just a third of Americans say …