Biden’s standing hits new lows amid Israel-Hamas war Mark Murray, NBC News President Joe Biden’s approval rating has declined to the lowest level of his presidency — 40% — as strong majorities of all voters disapprove of his handling of foreign policy and the Israel-Hamas war, according to the latest national NBC News poll. What’s more, the poll finds Biden behind former President Donald Trump for the first time in a hypothetical general-election matchup, although the deficit is well within the poll’s margin of error for a contest that’s still more than 11 months away.
The change campaign that can contest America Democracy Corps & PSG Consulting President Biden trails Donald Trump by 5 points in the battleground states and loses at least another point when we include the independent candidates who get 17 percent of the vote. Biden is trying to win these states where three quarters believe country is on the wrong track and 48 percent say, “I will never vote for Biden.”