Americans Divided on Treatment of Violent Juvenile Offenders Jeffrey M. Jones, Gallup Americans divide evenly on whether the criminal justice system should treat teens who commit violent crimes the same as adults (46%) or give more lenient treatment in juvenile courts (47%). This marks a shift in attitudes from two decades ago, when majorities of 65% in 2000 and 59% in 2003 felt juveniles aged 14 to 17 who commit crimes should be treated the same as adult criminals.
Public Opinion on Climate Change Washington Journal, C-SPAN
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Here’s Nikki Haley’s path to the Republican nomination Harry Enten, CNN Does Biden benefit if foreign policy dominates the 2024 campaign? Mark Hannah (Eurasia Group), Los Angeles Times [via Yahoo] Why Biden Touts Jobs When Americans Care About Prices Annie Linskey & Amara Omeokwe, Wall Street Journal Biden's struggle among Latino voters is real. Here's why and what he can do about it Mike Madrid, Los Angeles Times [via Yahoo] Biden’s prescription for 2024 turnaround will include major health care focus Edward-Isaac Dovere, Arlette Saenz & Tami Luhby, CNN The Two Nations of America Michael Podhorzer, Weekend Reading What the DeSantis and Newsom Debate Really Revealed Ronald Brownstein, The Atlantic
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