Voters’ Views of Health Policy Issues in Context of Presidential Campaigns KFF This new KFF Health Tracking Poll looks at voters’ views of some of the country’s major health and entitlement programs and how these views line up with the candidates’ approaches to these issues based on their track records, policy positions, and statements on the campaign trail.
With Trump's trial underway, most Americans now believe he falsified records to hide hush money payment Andrew Romano, Yahoo News For the first time, a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that a majority of Americans (52%) believe former President Donald Trump “falsif[ied] business records to conceal a hush money payment to a porn star” — the charge at the center of his ongoing criminal trial in Manhattan. This represents a new high — and a significant increase from previous Yahoo News/YouGov polls conducted before courtroom testimony began last month, suggesting that coverage of the trial may be shifting perceptions of Trump’s conduct.
America in Focus: These 12 Women Voted for Trump in 2020. How Do They See Him Now? Patrick Healy & Kristen Soltis Anderson, New York Times We spoke with 12 women who voted for Mr. Trump in 2020 to discuss how they saw him now. There was clearly enthusiasm for Mr. Trump’s candidacy, but many of the voters seemed motivated more by anti-Biden attitudes than pro-Trump ones. When we asked them to give a word describing Mr. Trump, fewer than half the words were positive. But disdain for Mr. Trump’s personality was exceeded by frustration with Mr. Biden on policy and competence.
Stocks Up, Gold Down in Americans' Best Investment Ratings Jeffrey M. Jones, Gallup Americans continue to rank real estate as the best investment for the long term among six options. Thirty-six percent choose real estate, followed by stocks or mutual funds (22%), gold (18%), and savings accounts or CDs (13%). Relatively few Americans believe bonds (4%) or cryptocurrency (3%) are the best long-term investments.