Views of Trump trial unchanged following verdict — CBS News poll Kabir Khanna, Anthony Salvanto, Fred Backus & Jennifer De Pinto, CBS News Views about former President Donald Trump's New York criminal trial after the verdict look much like they did before it took place. Just over half the country thought Trump was guilty before the verdict, and now just over half think the jury reached the right verdict and that the trial was fair.
Trump guilty verdict makes minimal impact on public opinion Ipsos The latest ABC News / Ipsos poll finds that by a 2 to 1 majority Americans believe the guilty verdict in the falsifying business records case against Donald Trump was correct. This survey, launched the Friday after the verdict was announced, sees a similar amount of Americans believe that Donald Trump should end his presidential campaign because of the verdict and that he intentionally did something illegal.
Half of Americans think Trump's guilty verdict was correct, should end campaign Isabella Murray, ABC News A plurality of Americans, 50%, think former President Donald Trump's guilty verdict on all 34 counts in his hush money trial was correct, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds, and almost as many, 49%, think he should end his 2024 presidential campaign over the result.