80 percent of people globally want stronger climate action by governments United Nations Development Programme The biggest ever standalone public opinion survey on climate change, the Peoples’ Climate Vote 2024, shows 80 percent of people globally want their governments to take stronger action to tackle the climate crisis. Even more - 86 percent - want to see their countries set aside geopolitical differences and work together on climate change. Over 73,000 people speaking 87 different languages across 77 countries were asked 15 questions on climate change for the survey, which was conducted for the UN Development Programme with the University of Oxford and GeoPoll.
How the swing states feel about the 2024 election Clifford Young & Bernard Mendez, Ipsos Five charts on the issues that Americans in swing states find important, how they feel about the election, and how they plan to vote this upcoming November
Support for Israel in U.S. Hampered by Declining Religiosity Frank Newport, Gallup The relationship between greater religiosity and support for Israel among highly religious Americans (who are overwhelmingly Protestant or Catholic) is partly explained by that country’s importance in the Bible’s Old and New Testaments. The problem for Israel is the shrinking number of highly religious Americans, diminishing the potential impact of this traditional bulwark of support for Israel.
Most Americans Support Legislation Protecting LGBTQ+ Americans from Discrimination Maryann Cousens, Navigator Research This Navigator Research report contains polling data on the latest perceptions of LGBTQ+ issues in the United States, including support for adding sexual orientation and gender identity to anti-discrimination laws, perceptions of elected officials who support banning gay marriage and healthcare for transgender people, and the issues Americans find most concerning regarding LGBTQ+ youth. Turning Up the Temperature on Summer Travel James Cottrill, Ipsos As Many As One in Four Americans Anticipate Increases to their Travel Spending this Summer Artificial Intelligence: Key insights, data and tables Ipsos What business leaders and policymakers need to know about AI and its uses in entertainment, healthcare, politics and more.