Will Americans accept the outcome of the 2024 election? Clifford Young, Sarah Feldman & Bernard Mendez, Ipsos Five charts on Americans’ confidence in elections, how past elections have affected trust in elections, and what that might mean this year
Americans say the Democratic Party is more the one of LGBTQ+ people; the Republican Party, of Christians Jamie Ballard, YouGov A new YouGov survey explores which of the two main political parties Americans feel represent different racial, socioeconomic, religious, and occupational groups. Among Americans, majorities feel that the Democratic Party is more the party of LGBTQ+ people, Black Americans, and students than the Republican Party is; the Republican Party is more often seen as more the party of Christians, men, and the wealthy.
What Americans think about labor unions and their effects Taylor Orth, YouGov Labor unions are popular among Americans — especially for occupations such as firefighters, nurses, and construction workers, a new survey finds. Even the most unpopular form of union in the poll — a union of university instructors — is viewed more favorably than unfavorably.
Creating a Nationwide Paid Leave Program and Bolstering Medicare’s Negotiating Power are Overwhelmingly Popular Maryann Cousens, Navigator Research This Navigator Research report contains polling data on the latest perceptions of a national paid leave program and expanding Medicare’s powers, including the share of Americans who believe these policies would be helpful for families, who is more likely to support these policies, and who is more trusted to handle the issue of Medicare and Social Security.