More Americans Favor Quick End to Russia-Ukraine War Megan Brenan, Gallup Americans are divided about evenly over whether the U.S. should continue to help Ukraine win back territory it lost in the war with Russia, even in a prolonged conflict (48%), or try to reach a quick end to the conflict, even if that means Ukraine does not recover all of its land (50%). This marks a shift from prior readings, when the majority of Americans backed a fight for total victory.
US Opinion Leaders Support Continued Aid to Ukraine Chicago Council on Global Affairs Results from a recent Chicago Council on Global Affairs-University of Texas survey of foreign policy experts and the 2024 Chicago Council Survey of the general public show widespread support for continuing economic and military assistance to Ukraine. The main pocket of opposition revealed by these data is the Republican public. US Opinion Leaders Endorse Alliances and Security Guarantees Chicago Council on Global Affairs A recent Chicago Council on Global Affairs-University of Texas survey, conducted August 7–October 3, finds that like the general public, US foreign policy professionals and opinion leaders across the political spectrum believe US alliances benefit the United States. They are also more likely to consider US diplomatic efforts—rather than military efforts—to principally benefit from US security alliances, underscoring the value of these relationships to achieving US interests beyond the realm of security.
Americans lean toward keeping legal immigration steady, see high-skilled workers as a priority Jens Manuel Krogstad and Sahana Mukherjee, Pew Research Center Nearly half of U.S. adults say legal immigration into the United States should be kept at present levels. Fewer say it should be increased or decreased, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in August 2024.
Three in Five Believe New Tariffs Will Increase Prices Maryann Cousens, Navigator Research This Navigator Research report features data from a survey conducted on December 5 – 8 and additional findings from focus groups conducted on December 11th among new Trump voters and non-voters on the latest perceptions of Trump’s tariff plan, including support for new tariffs, what Americans see as the most likely outcomes of new tariffs, and who Americans believe will be the most impacted by new tariffs.